Accessibility FAQs

Where can I ask the organisers a question?

Please email

Can you describe Mafeking Rover Park, the venue for DrachenFest?

Mafeking offers a diverse landscape of open land, scrub and bush. On-site there is a hall, a kitchen (please note that this is for organisation use, not the personal use of campers), a large picnic shelter with a fire pit, and a toilet block, which is located in the middle of the site. This toilet block and 3 female toilets and 3 male toilets, as well as a private accessible toilet/ shower.

Will DrachenFest be providing additional toilets and showers? 

Yes, DrachenFest will provide additional showers and toilets depending on ticket numbers.

Will there be gender-neutral toilets or showers?

The additional portaloo-style showers and toilets will be ungendered.

What are the conditions of the paths leading to the accessible toilets? 

The walk from most campsites to the permanent accessible toilet is impacted gravel with a slight incline. The ground around most of the camps is worn, with ditches and potholes dependant on the weather leading up to the event. Around the toilet block it is concreted, and on one side you have to walk through some compacted dirt and grass, while on the other side, the gravel road goes right up to the concrete. 

Will the toilet block be well-lit?

There is a reasonable amount of lighting around the outside of the main toilet block, as well as lights inside.

Can you please describe the accessible toilet and showers?  

We’re currently looking into the exact specifics of what facilities the permanent accessible toilet and shower offers, and will update this as soon as we’ve spoken to the venue to confirm.

What are the general walking conditions like? 

All main roads are impacted gravel with a slight incline. Around the camps there are ditches and potholes, and the road is quite worn. There are some maintained compacted dirt paths and grass, as well as some slightly trickier terrain if you decide to walk out into the wilderness towards the hiking areas. The roads to the camps are easily driven on by a 2WD car and do not require any special vehicles to access.

Will there be disabled parking spots available?

Yes, some of the parking spaces closest to the camps will be reserved for those with an Australian Disability Parking (ADP) Permit.

Will first aid be available?

DrachenFest will be hiring a suitably licensed provider of first aid services to administer first aid during the main hours of the game and access emergency services overnight.

Are there roles within the game that are going to be physical skill or mental skill locked which could limit disabled player’s ability to play those roles?

Like any Medieval LARP, certain actions lend themselves to varying types of skills. Combat is not the only activity players can engage in, and on the whole is only one facet of a vibrant and variable play. Through both organized and player-driven engagement, the event will be full of roleplay opportunities for people of all abilities and skills.

Are there any roles that are going to be gender locked?

No, there will be no roles that are gender locked.

Are there topics that are explicitly not allowed to be used as story beats or is everything on the table? Is the onus on the storyteller to check people are comfortable or is it on those who are made uncomfortable to remove themselves?

Please have a read through our community safety policy, and get in touch with our Community Safety Manager, Zayne, if you have any further questions:

Is there a point of contact for raising concerns regarding accessibility/inclusivity?

Our community safety team can be contacted either by email before the event, or in person during the event for any accessibility or inclusivity concerns.

Are there plans for communication with players who are hard of hearing or have visual limitations?

At present, we are looking into the following:

  • Plain text versions of all documents are set to be released.

  • Auslan interpreter for the opening and closing ceremony

  • Universal signs have been taken into account in our referee training.

Will there be hot food available at the event?

Players are expected to self-cater and appropriately plan to feed themselves for the duration of the event. While we would love to have a variety of vendors for players to purchase food from, we cannot promise this as we’re not in control of the vendor’s menus, stock, or any last-minute cancellations.

Will there be access to power overnight for CPAP machines?

It is our intention to provide access to power for CPAP machines, but we’ll be locking in specifics after our next site planning visit in May.

Will there be general access to power?

Power access will be reserved for those who require it for medical reasons, and vendors. It will not be freely accessible to all players.