Rules and Combat FAQs

Where can I ask the organisers a question?

Please email

Has DrachenFest considered the legality of cap guns?

Drachenfest’s rules comply with all Victorian firearms legislation.

Are there guidelines for shield construction?

At DrachenFest Australia, shields must be made of foam but can have a core made of a more rigid material such as wood or plastic. A shield core provides base rigidity ONLY and must be adequately covered in foam on all sides (front, back, and edges of the shield).

There are no formal requirements regarding the materials you use for the interior strapping of the shield. 

While there are no specific rules regarding the thickness of the foam used around your core, the spirit of the construction of your shield should be, “this is a shield made from foam”. It’s unacceptable, for example, to coat a wooden shield in a thin layer of foam to hide that most of the construction is from wood. Players may also cover the foam of their shield in fabric.

Shields in the round category must not exceed 88cm in diameter, and shields in the heater/ tower category must not exceed 66cm at the widest point or 110cm at the longest.

Why does DrachenFest not allow thrusting in combat?

A wide range of players and organisers were consulted within the Australia and Asia-Pacific Region when considering how to adapt the original rules of DrachenFest for an Australian audience. Though some large battle games do allow thrusting, it is common practice in many other games to exclude it from their combat rules. The decision was made to keep the rules consistent with the sister DrachenFest events around the world by disallowing thrusting.

Encumbrance. Is there a carrying capacity for crafting materials & crafted items? 

There are no rules that limit the number of crafted items that a character can carry. The only limitation to what you can carry is what you can physically carry, and whatever game items or materials you manage to make in-game.

Is there a limit to how many guns and or weapons a player may carry? 

Similar to the encumbrance question, the only limit is what you can physically carry. It is worth keeping in mind you may not be at your best in combat if you are carrying too many weapons!

What are the rules for capacity for ammo ie arrows, throwing knives? 

The only limit to projectile ammo is that gunpowder weapons are limited by a player’s ability to make or acquire ammunition. No other projectile has any specific rule.

What is Limbus?

Limbus is a physical location that characters journey to after they drop to 0HP (hit points). It is here that you go on a journey to return to the realm of the Dragons.

Are polyurethane armours from ArtHammer or Wyrmwick allowed?  

Armour substitutes are more than welcome as long as they are high-quality, visibly pass as the material they’re trying to replicate, and are safe for the battlefield. Any player who is found to be wearing unsafe armour can be pulled from the battlefield at any time and asked to remove it. Wyrmwick and ArtHammer's high-quality, realistic polyurethane armour is very welcome at DrachenFest, and high-quality costuming is not only welcome but also encouraged!

Do players who travel through Limbus still need to seek repairs after resurrection before claiming back their AP? 

Limbus will help a character journey back to the realm of the Dragons where they’ll emerge back in their physical body, revived. This does not restore their armour and shields, so they'll need to find a smith or craftsperson to get them ready to get back into the fight.

If you pick heavy armour, can you also still use and claim the medium and light armour, or must you use points to get each separately?

Having the heavy armour skill does not automatically grant you the ability to wear light and medium armour.

Players who take more than one type of armour skill can benefit from wearing multiple armour types of the corresponding type. If you take the heavy and medium armour skills and wear some of each type of armour, you count each appropriately as per AP values in the rules.

Do gunpowder weapons ignore all armour by taking a life point or is heavy armour immune? 

Gun Powder Weapons don't remove a life point from anyone who takes the Wear Heavy Armour skill and is wearing Heavy Armour. However, they are still knocked backwards by the gun as if hit by a Gust of Wind spell. Knowing if they take the damage from the Gun Powder weapon is up to the person wearing the armour.

Explosives expert is missing from the alchemy list, is that intending to be in the warbook mentioned or was it missed?

Explosives Experts are rules that will be covered in the Warbook. So watch this space if you want to be an explosives expert.

How does the in-game currency work?

DrachenFest Australia will operate with the same currency as their international games: copper, silver and gold. 10 copper = 1 silver, 10 silver = 1 gold.  Each player will get 3 copper on arrival at the event. Players will have the option to purchase additional copper from the Wyvern Merchant with AUD. In-game currency can be used to purchase in-game items and services.

Are there any rules for races like elves and orcs? 

We know many people want to play Elves and Orcs, and we want to see them at the game. Please bring them along, because they make the event richer for it. Players will note that the Rule Book doesn't have rules for any fantasy races. What we want to see is players bringing the best to the creatures and characters they choose to play!

Can players pickpocket?

All players who need to be made aware of any mechanics and rules around thieving and pickpocketing will be made aware by their relevant guild. The general population will also be given vital information when necessary.

Looting. Will we be able to loot fallen enemies?

There is no official in-game mechanic around looting specifically, and players are not to take items from any player without consent. However, most DrachenFest games find that players develop their own unofficial, roleplay-focused looting rules to enrich the games of others. There’s nothing to stop you from bringing trinkets and trophies for those who best you in battle!